imobilizace nativních  proteinů  prostřednictvím biokonjugace bez amino katalyzátoru


imobilizace nativních  proteinů  prostřednictvím biokonjugace bez amino katalyzátoru

Rychle se rozvíjející podskupina SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 ve Spojených státech amerických s hrotovým  proteinem  D178H a  mutacemi membránového  proteinu V70L

Abstrakt Řada SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 je vysoce infekční a od dubna 2021 představovala 92% případů COVID-19 v Evropě a 59% případů COVID-19 v USA. Je definována mutací N501Y v doméně vázající receptor (RBD) proteinu Spike (S) a několika dalších mutacích. Patří mezi ně dvě mutace v N terminální doméně (NTD)S proteinu, HV69-70del a Y144del (také známý jako Y145del kvůli přítomnosti tyrosinu v obou polohách). Nedávno jsme identifikovali několik objevujících se variant SARS-CoV-2, které se vyznačují mutacemi membránových (M) proteinů, včetně I82T a V70L. Nyní identifikujeme podskupinu B.1.1.7, která se objevila prostřednictvím postupných akvizic M: V70L v listopadu 2020, po které následovala nová mutace S: D178H poprvé pozorovaná počátkem února 2021.

Procento izolátů B.1.1.7 v USA, které patří do této podskupiny, se zvýšilo z 0,15% v únoru 2021 na 1,8% v dubnu 2021. Okay dnešnímu dni se tato podskupina jeví jako specifická professional USA s hlášenými případy v 31 státy, včetně Havaje. V dubnu 2021 představoval 36,8% všech izolátů B.1.1.7 ve Washingtonu. Fylogenetická analýza a odvození přenosu s Nextstrain naznačuje, že tato podskupina pravděpodobně pochází buď z Kalifornie, nebo Washingtonu . Strukturální analýza odhalila, že mutace S: D178H je v NTD proteinu S a je blízká dvěma dalším podpisovým mutacím B.1.1.7, HV69-70del a Y144del. Je vystaven povrchu a může změnit NTD terciární konfiguraci nebo přístupnost, a tak má potenciál ovlivnit neutralizaci pomocí NTD namířených protilátek.


Rychlé trojrozměrné stanovení tvaru globulárních  proteinů  mobilitou kapilární elektroforézou a nativní hmotnostní spektrometrií

Zavedené vysoce výkonné proteomické metody poskytují omezené informace o stereostrukturách proteinů. Tradiční technologie professional stanovení proteinové struktury obvykle vyžadují pracné kroky a nelze je provádět vysoce výkonným způsobem. Zde uvádíme novou metodu středního výkonu spojením mobility kapilární elektroforézy (MCE) a nativní hmotnostní spektrometrie (MS) professional trojrozměrné (3D) stanovení tvaru globulárních proteinů v kapalné fázi , která poskytuje jak geometrickou strukturu, tak molekulární hromadné informace o bílkovinách.

Byla vytvořena teorie ke korelaci iontového hydrodynamického poloměru a distribuce stavu náboje v nativním hmotnostním spektru s geometrickými parametry proteinu, pomocí kterých lze určit strukturu (tvar) proteinu s nízkým rozlišením. Naše testovací údaje z 11 různých globulárních proteinů ukázaly, že tento přístup nám umožňuje určit tvary jednotlivých proteinů, proteinových komplexů a proteinů ve směsi a sledovat konformační změny proteinů. Kromě poskytování doplňkových informací o struktuře proteinů a schopnosti analýzy směsi je tato metoda založená na MCE a nativní MS rychlá a má nízkou spotřebu vzorků, takže je potenciálně použitelná v proteomice a strukturní biologii shora dolů professional intaktní analýzu globulárního proteinu nebo komplexu proteinů.


Rychlá povrchová imobilizace nativních  proteinů  prostřednictvím biokonjugace bez amino katalyzátoru bez katalyzátoru

Imobilizace na povrchu poskytuje užitečnou platformu professional biosenzování, screening léků, tkáňové inženýrství a další chemické a biologické aplikace. Nicméně , některé z použitých reakcí jsou neefektivní a / nebo složité, což omezuje jejich aplikace v imobilizaci. Zde používáme spontánní a bezkatalyzátorovou biokonjugaci amino-ynového kliknutí ke generování aktivovaných povrchů funkčních skupin ethynylové skupiny professional rychlou imobilizaci nativních proteinů a buněk.

Biomolekuly, jako je hovězí sérový albumin (BSA) , lidský IgG a peptid C (RGDfK), mohly být kovalentně imobilizovány na povrchech za pouhých 30 minut. Je pozoruhodné, že bioaktivita ukotvených biomolekul zůstává nedotčena, což se ověřuje účinným zachycením cílových protilátek a buněk z objemových roztoků. Tato strategie představuje alternativu okay vysoce účinné povrchové biofunkcionalizaci.


Human milk specific allergen antibody(IgE) ELISA Kit

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 1 plate of 96 wells
  • 10 plates of 96 wells each
  • 5 plates of 96 wells each
Description: Quantitativesandwich ELISA kit for measuring Human milk specific allergen antibody(IgE) in samples from serum, plasma, cell culture supernates, tissue homogenates. Now available in a cost efficient pack of 5 plates of 96 wells each, conveniently packed along with the other reagents in 5 separate kits.

Human milk specific allergen antibody, IgE ELISA Kit

MBS705693-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 5575

Human milk specific allergen antibody, IgE ELISA Kit

MBS705693-24StripWellsLIMIT1 24-Strip-Wells(LIMIT1)
EUR 275

Human milk specific allergen antibody, IgE ELISA Kit

MBS705693-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 545

Human milk specific allergen antibody, IgE ELISA Kit

MBS705693-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 2920

Human milk specific allergen antibody, IgE ELISA Kit

MBS705693-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 765

Milk-Specific Proteins, Mouse

MBS6011044-1mL 1mL
EUR 575

Milk-Specific Proteins, Mouse

MBS6011044-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 2440

Goat anti Rabbit milk proteins

MBS573094-1mL 1mL
EUR 365

Goat anti Rabbit milk proteins

MBS573094-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 1490

Goat anti Monkey milk proteins

MBS573098-1mL 1mL
EUR 365

Goat anti Monkey milk proteins

MBS573098-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 1490

Anti-Total Goat Milk Proteins

4042 1 ml
EUR 400.8
Description: Anti-Total Goat Milk Proteins by Cygnus Technologies is available in Europe via Gentaur.

Anti-Total Goat Milk Proteins

4042-AF 1 mg
EUR 2295.6
Description: Anti-Total Goat Milk Proteins by Cygnus Technologies is available in Europe via Gentaur.

Anti-Total Goat Milk Proteins

4042-PA 1 ml
EUR 585.6
Description: Anti-Total Goat Milk Proteins by Cygnus Technologies is available in Europe via Gentaur.

Rabbit anti Mouse milk proteins

MBS573515-1mL 1mL
EUR 365

Rabbit anti Mouse milk proteins

MBS573515-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 1490

Rabbit anti Human milk proteins

MBS573756-1mL 1mL
EUR 325

Rabbit anti Human milk proteins

MBS573756-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 1320

Monkey Milk Proteins goat polyclonal antibody, Serum

AP31451SU-N 1 ml Ask for price

Goat Milk Proteins Antigen Concentrate

F243H 100 ul
EUR 493.2
Description: Goat Milk Proteins Antigen Concentrate by Cygnus Technologies is available in Europe via Gentaur.

Goat Milk Proteins Control Antigen

F247 50 ul
EUR 308.4
Description: Goat Milk Proteins Control Antigen by Cygnus Technologies is available in Europe via Gentaur.

Milk Proteins, Rhesus Monkey

MBS648458-1mL 1mL
EUR 575

Milk Proteins, Rhesus Monkey

MBS648458-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 2440

anti- Kv1.4-Specific antibody

FNab04664 100µg
EUR 606.3
Description: Antibody raised against Kv1.4-Specific

anti- TUBB3 specific antibody

LSMab09890 100ug
EUR 325

anti- REDD1 specific antibody

FNab07228 100µg
EUR 658.5
Description: Antibody raised against REDD1 specific

anti- TDRKH specific antibody

FNab08580 100µg
EUR 658.5
Description: Antibody raised against TDRKH specific

anti- TUBB3 specific antibody

FNab09890 100µg
EUR 658.5
Description: Antibody raised against TUBB3 specific

Anti-Kv1.4-Specific antibody

PAab04664 100ug
EUR 245

Anti- Ubiquitin Specific Protease 2 (USP2) Human Antibody

GWB-41E623 0.05 mg Ask for price

Anti- Ubiquitin Specific Protease 4 (USP4) Human Antibody

GWB-4A8EF1 0.05 mg Ask for price

Anti- Ubiquitin Specific Protease 4 (USP4) Human Antibody

GWB-1A4568 0.05 mg Ask for price

Placenta Specific Protein 9 (PLAC9) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 10 ug
  • 1 mg
  • 200 ug
  • 50 ug

Placenta Specific Protein 9 (PLAC9) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 1 mg
  • 200 ug
  • 20 ug
  • 50 ug

Placenta Specific Protein 8 (PLAC8) Antibody

abx236511-100ug 100 ug
EUR 577.2

Placenta Specific Protein 9 (PLAC9) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 1 mg
  • 200 ug
  • 20 ug
  • 50 ug

Placenta Specific Protein 8 (PLAC8) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 1 mg
  • 200 ug
  • 20 ug
  • 50 ug

Placenta Specific Protein 9 (PLAC9) Antibody

abx307413-100g 100 µg
EUR 362.5

Placenta Specific Protein 9 (PLAC9) Antibody

abx307413-20g 20 µg
EUR 162.5

Placenta Specific Protein 9 (PLAC9) Antibody

abx307413-50g 50 µg
EUR 250

Placenta Specific Protein 8 (PLAC8) Antibody

abx236511-100g 100 µg
EUR 350

Placenta Specific Protein 9 (PLAC9) Antibody

abx132127-100tests 100 tests
EUR 300

Placenta Specific Protein 8 (PLAC8) Antibody

abx313859-100g 100 µg
EUR 362.5

Placenta Specific Protein 8 (PLAC8) Antibody

abx313859-20g 20 µg
EUR 162.5

Placenta Specific Protein 8 (PLAC8) Antibody

abx313859-50g 50 µg
EUR 250

Placenta Specific Protein 9 (PLAC9) Antibody

abx102925-100l 100 µl
EUR 287.5

Placenta Specific Protein 9 (PLAC9) Antibody

abx102925-1ml 1 ml
EUR 825

Placenta Specific Protein 9 (PLAC9) Antibody

abx102925-200l 200 µl
EUR 362.5

Anti-TUBB3 Specific Antibody

MBS7607411-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 330

Anti-TUBB3 Specific Antibody

MBS7607411-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1315

Anti-REDD1 specific antibody

PAab07228 100ug
EUR 275

Anti-TDRKH specific antibody

PAab08580 100ug
EUR 275

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 150 ul
  • 50 ul

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 10 ug
  • 1 mg
  • 200 ug
  • 50 ug

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 10 ug
  • 1 mg
  • 200 ug
  • 50 ug

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx146154-100ug 100 ug
EUR 469.2

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 10 ug
  • 200 ug
  • 300 µg

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ul
  • 200 ul
  • 20 ul
  • 50 ul

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx234879-100ug 100 ug
EUR 661.2

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx331029-100ul 100 ul
EUR 510

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 50 ug

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx431359-200ul 200 ul
EUR 460.8

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx432939-200ul 200 ul
EUR 460.8

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ul
  • 50 ul

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 Antibody / LSP1

F54824-0.08ML 0.08 ml
EUR 140.25
Description: LSP1 / Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 is an intracellular F-actin binding protein. The protein is expressed in lymphocytes, neutrophils, macrophages, and endothelium and may regulate neutrophil motility, adhesion to fibrinogen matrix proteins, and transendothelial migration. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms.

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 Antibody / LSP1

F54824-0.4ML 0.4 ml
EUR 322.15
Description: LSP1 / Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 is an intracellular F-actin binding protein. The protein is expressed in lymphocytes, neutrophils, macrophages, and endothelium and may regulate neutrophil motility, adhesion to fibrinogen matrix proteins, and transendothelial migration. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms.

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx113549-100l 100 µl
EUR 612.5

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx234879-100g 100 µg
EUR 350

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx131687-100g 100 µg
EUR 812.5

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx131687-20g 20 µg
EUR 362.5

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx131687-5g 5 µg
EUR 287.5

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx131688-100g 100 µg
EUR 775

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx131688-20g 20 µg
EUR 350

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx131688-5g 5 µg
EUR 275

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx146154-1096tests 10 × 96 tests Ask for price

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx146154-596tests 5 × 96 tests Ask for price

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx146154-96tests 96 tests
EUR 337.5

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx431359-200l 200 µl
EUR 387.5

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx432939-100g 100 µg
EUR 387.5

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx324055-100g 100 µg
EUR 250

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx324055-50g 50 µg
EUR 187.5

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx320072-100l 100 µl
EUR 350

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx320072-50l 50 µl
EUR 237.5

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx014564-100g 100 µg
EUR 43.75

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx004294-100l 100 µl
EUR 400

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx004294-20l 20 µl
EUR 175

Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1 (LSP1) Antibody

abx004294-50l 50 µl
EUR 275

LSP1 Antibody / Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1

V7928-100UG 100 ug
EUR 349.3
Description: LSP1 is a hematopoietic-expressed gene that encodes an F-actin-binding, leukocyte-specific (including B and T lymphocytes, granulocytes and macrophages), phosphoprotein. However, mRNA splice variants that do not encode the lympho-specific protein are expressed from this gene in nonlymphoid cell lines as well (myocytes, stromal cells and fibroblasts), suggesting pp52 has a divergent role in signal transduction. The pp52 (LSP1) locus maps to human chromosome 11p15.5, which is implicated in tumor-related chromosomal translocations found in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The pp52 promoter contains key elements that control transcriptional activity including an initiator specifying the unique 5' terminus of pp52 mRNA, tandem pairs of Ets and SP1 motifs, and a single C/EBP motif. LSP1 binds the cytoskeleton and has been implicated in affecting cytoskeletal remodeling in a variety of leukocyte functions, including cell motility and chemotaxis.

LSP1 Antibody / Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1

V7928-20UG 20 ug
EUR 153.3
Description: LSP1 is a hematopoietic-expressed gene that encodes an F-actin-binding, leukocyte-specific (including B and T lymphocytes, granulocytes and macrophages), phosphoprotein. However, mRNA splice variants that do not encode the lympho-specific protein are expressed from this gene in nonlymphoid cell lines as well (myocytes, stromal cells and fibroblasts), suggesting pp52 has a divergent role in signal transduction. The pp52 (LSP1) locus maps to human chromosome 11p15.5, which is implicated in tumor-related chromosomal translocations found in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The pp52 promoter contains key elements that control transcriptional activity including an initiator specifying the unique 5' terminus of pp52 mRNA, tandem pairs of Ets and SP1 motifs, and a single C/EBP motif. LSP1 binds the cytoskeleton and has been implicated in affecting cytoskeletal remodeling in a variety of leukocyte functions, including cell motility and chemotaxis.

LSP1 Antibody / Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1

V7928SAF-100UG 100 ug
EUR 349.3
Description: LSP1 is a hematopoietic-expressed gene that encodes an F-actin-binding, leukocyte-specific (including B and T lymphocytes, granulocytes and macrophages), phosphoprotein. However, mRNA splice variants that do not encode the lympho-specific protein are expressed from this gene in nonlymphoid cell lines as well (myocytes, stromal cells and fibroblasts), suggesting pp52 has a divergent role in signal transduction. The pp52 (LSP1) locus maps to human chromosome 11p15.5, which is implicated in tumor-related chromosomal translocations found in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The pp52 promoter contains key elements that control transcriptional activity including an initiator specifying the unique 5' terminus of pp52 mRNA, tandem pairs of Ets and SP1 motifs, and a single C/EBP motif. LSP1 binds the cytoskeleton and has been implicated in affecting cytoskeletal remodeling in a variety of leukocyte functions, including cell motility and chemotaxis.

LSP1 Antibody / Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1

V7929-100UG 100 ug
EUR 349.3
Description: LSP1 is a hematopoietic-expressed gene that encodes an F-actin-binding, leukocyte-specific (including B and T lymphocytes, granulocytes and macrophages), phosphoprotein. However, mRNA splice variants that do not encode the lympho-specific protein are expressed from this gene in nonlymphoid cell lines as well (myocytes, stromal cells and fibroblasts), suggesting pp52 has a divergent role in signal transduction. The pp52 (LSP1) locus maps to human chromosome 11p15.5, which is implicated in tumor-related chromosomal translocations found in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The pp52 promoter contains key elements that control transcriptional activity including an initiator specifying the unique 5' terminus of pp52 mRNA, tandem pairs of Ets and SP1 motifs, and a single C/EBP motif. LSP1 binds the cytoskeleton and has been implicated in affecting cytoskeletal remodeling in a variety of leukocyte functions, including cell motility and chemotaxis.

LSP1 Antibody / Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1

V7929-20UG 20 ug
EUR 153.3
Description: LSP1 is a hematopoietic-expressed gene that encodes an F-actin-binding, leukocyte-specific (including B and T lymphocytes, granulocytes and macrophages), phosphoprotein. However, mRNA splice variants that do not encode the lympho-specific protein are expressed from this gene in nonlymphoid cell lines as well (myocytes, stromal cells and fibroblasts), suggesting pp52 has a divergent role in signal transduction. The pp52 (LSP1) locus maps to human chromosome 11p15.5, which is implicated in tumor-related chromosomal translocations found in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The pp52 promoter contains key elements that control transcriptional activity including an initiator specifying the unique 5' terminus of pp52 mRNA, tandem pairs of Ets and SP1 motifs, and a single C/EBP motif. LSP1 binds the cytoskeleton and has been implicated in affecting cytoskeletal remodeling in a variety of leukocyte functions, including cell motility and chemotaxis.

LSP1 Antibody / Lymphocyte Specific Protein 1

V7929SAF-100UG 100 ug
EUR 349.3
Description: LSP1 is a hematopoietic-expressed gene that encodes an F-actin-binding, leukocyte-specific (including B and T lymphocytes, granulocytes and macrophages), phosphoprotein. However, mRNA splice variants that do not encode the lympho-specific protein are expressed from this gene in nonlymphoid cell lines as well (myocytes, stromal cells and fibroblasts), suggesting pp52 has a divergent role in signal transduction. The pp52 (LSP1) locus maps to human chromosome 11p15.5, which is implicated in tumor-related chromosomal translocations found in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The pp52 promoter contains key elements that control transcriptional activity including an initiator specifying the unique 5' terminus of pp52 mRNA, tandem pairs of Ets and SP1 motifs, and a single C/EBP motif. LSP1 binds the cytoskeleton and has been implicated in affecting cytoskeletal remodeling in a variety of leukocyte functions, including cell motility and chemotaxis.

Human tumor specific protein 70 (SP70) Antibody

P1058-6ml 6ml
EUR 381.6

Goat Anti-Human IgG F(ab')2 fragment specific (adsorbed with bovine, horse, mouse serum proteins)

10115-UL 0.5 mg
EUR 270

Growth Arrest Specific Protein 2 (GAS2) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 150 ul
  • 50 ul

Growth Arrest Specific Protein 7 (GAS7) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 150 ul
  • 50 ul

Growth Arrest Specific Protein 8 (GAS8) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 150 ul
  • 50 ul

Growth Arrest Specific Protein 2 (GAS2) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 10 ug
  • 1 mg
  • 200 ug
  • 50 ug

Growth Arrest Specific Protein 6 (GAS6) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 10 ug
  • 1 mg
  • 200 ug
  • 50 ug

Growth Arrest Specific Protein 6 (GAS6) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 10 ug
  • 1 mg
  • 200 ug
  • 50 ug

Growth Arrest Specific Protein 6 (GAS6) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 10 ug
  • 1 mg
  • 200 ug
  • 50 ug

Growth Arrest Specific Protein 6 (GAS6) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 10 ug
  • 1 mg
  • 200 ug
  • 50 ug

Growth Arrest Specific Protein 6 (GAS6) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 10 ug
  • 1 mg
  • 200 ug
  • 50 ug

Na vazebné reakce loratadinu s lidským sérem akutní fáze  proteinu  glyko alfa 1-kyselý protein

Loratadin je důležité antialergické léčivo. Je to antihistaminikum druhé generace používané okay léčbě alergické rýmy, senné rýmy a kopřivky. Lidské sérum alfa 1-kyselý glykoprotein (AG) je důležitým proteinem akutní fáze a bylo zjištěno, že jeho sérová koncentrace stoupá při zánětu a akutní reakci. Vazebná interakce mezi loratadinem a AG je studována pomocí spektroskopie a technik molekulárního dokování. Výsledky získané z experimentů zhášení fluorescence prokázaly, že intenzita fluorescence AG je zhášena loratadinem. Loratadin bylo zjištěno, že váže AG s vazebnou konstantou ≈10 4  při 298 Okay.

Bylo zjištěno, že Gibbova volná energie je negativní professional interakci loratadinu s AG, což naznačuje, že proces vazby je spontánní. Vazba loratadinu s AG vyvolala uspořádané struktury v proteinu. Vodíková vazba a hydrofobní interakce byly hlavními vazebnými silami mezi AG-loratadinem, jak vyplývá z výsledků molekulárního dokování. Tato studie naznačuje důležitost prostorové vazby antialergického léčiva na AG u onemocnění, kde plazmatická koncentrace AG mnohonásobně stoupá a interakce s tímto proteinem se stává významnou. Tato studie pomůže při navrhování dávkování léku a odpovídající úpravě okay dosažení optimálního výsledku léčby. Sdělil Ramaswamy H. Sarma.

Cílená   degradace proteinů prostřednictvím rychlé optogenetické aktivace a její aplikace na kontrolu buněčné signalizace

Vývoj metodik professional opticky spouštěnou degradaci proteinů umožňuje studium dynamických proteinových funkcí, jako jsou ty, které se účastní buněčné signalizace , které je obtížné zkoumat tradičními genetickými technikami. Zde popisujeme design a implementaci nového světelně řízeného peptidového degronu, který uděluje degradaci dráhy N-konce na jeho proteinový cíl. Degron zahrnuje fotocaged N-koncovou aminokyselinu a linker bohatý na lysin, 13 zbytků. Umístěním do N-koncového zbytku jsme byli schopni opticky řídit rozpoznávání N-degronu ligázou E3, což následně řídilo ubikvitinaci a proteazomální degradaci cílového proteinu.

Prokazujeme širokou použitelnost aplikací tohoto přístupu na různorodou sadu cílových proteinů, včetně EGFP, luciferázy světlušek, kinázy MEK1 a fosfatázy DUSP6 (také známé jako MKP3). Degron v kleci lze použít s minimálním proteinovým inženýrstvím a poskytuje prakticky úplnou, světlem spouštěnou degradaci proteinu v sekundovém časovém měřítku.

ELISA Kit for Glutathione S Transferase (GST)

SEX158Ge 96Т
EUR 770

Glutathione S Transferase, Epitope Tag (GST)

MBS608942-02mg 0.2mg
EUR 570

Glutathione S Transferase, Epitope Tag (GST)

MBS608942-5x02mg 5x0.2mg
EUR 2415

Glutathione S Transferase, Epitope Tag (GST)

MBS632962-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 555

Glutathione S Transferase, Epitope Tag (GST)

MBS632962-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2355

Glutathione S Transferase, Epitope Tag (GST)

MBS631100-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 575

Glutathione S Transferase, Epitope Tag (GST)

MBS631100-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2435

Canine α Glutathione S Transferase (α-GST) ELISA Kit

SL0135Ca - Ask for price

Human Erythrocyte glutathione S transferase,GST ELISA KIT

E6790Hu-1096T 10*96T
EUR 4122

Human Erythrocyte glutathione S transferase,GST ELISA KIT

E6790Hu-48wells 48 wells
EUR 300

Human Erythrocyte glutathione S transferase,GST ELISA KIT

E6790Hu-596T 5*96T
EUR 2061

Human Erythrocyte glutathione S transferase,GST ELISA KIT

E6790Hu-96wells 96 wells
EUR 458

Glutathione S Transferase (GST Tag) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 1 mg
  • 200 ug
  • 20 ug
  • 50 ug

Glutathione S Transferase (GST) (Agarose)

MBS634771-05mL 0.5mL
EUR 715

Glutathione S Transferase (GST) (Agarose)

MBS634771-5x05mL 5x0.5mL
EUR 3075

Glutathione S Transferase (GST) Antibody

abx130435-100l 100 µl
EUR 287.5

Glutathione S Transferase (GST) Antibody

abx130435-1ml 1 ml
EUR 850

Glutathione S Transferase (GST) Antibody

abx130435-200l 200 µl
EUR 375

Glutathione S Transferase (GST) Antibody

abx179078-96tests 96 tests
EUR 287.5

Glutathione S Transferase (GST) Antibody

abx448858-1096tests 10 × 96 tests Ask for price

Glutathione S Transferase (GST) Antibody

abx448858-596tests 5 × 96 tests Ask for price

Glutathione S Transferase (GST) Antibody

abx448858-96tests 96 tests
EUR 550

Glutathione S Transferase, P1-1 (GST)

MBS631602-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 540

Glutathione S Transferase, P1-1 (GST)

MBS631602-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2275

Glutathione S Transferase Yb1, mu (GST)

MBS624555-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 640

Glutathione S Transferase Yb1, mu (GST)

MBS624555-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 2730

Glutathione S Transferase, P1-1 (GST)

MBS624775-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 630

Glutathione S Transferase, P1-1 (GST)

MBS624775-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 2685

Recombinant Glutathione S Transferase (GST)

RPU56062-100ug 100ug
EUR 475.2

Recombinant Glutathione S Transferase (GST)

RPU56062-1mg 1mg
EUR 1872

Recombinant Glutathione S Transferase (GST)

RPU56062-50ug 50ug
EUR 299.2

Recombinant Glutathione S Transferase (GST)

RPX158Ge01 10ug
EUR 120

Recombinant Glutathione S Transferase (GST)

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 10ug
  • 1 mg
  • 200 ug
  • 500 ug
  • 50ug
  • 5 mg
Description: Recombinant Pan-species Recombinant Glutathione S Transferase (GST) expressed in: E.coli

Recombinant Glutathione S Transferase (GST)

MBS2105658-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 140

Recombinant Glutathione S Transferase (GST)

MBS2105658-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 235

Recombinant Glutathione S Transferase (GST)

MBS2105658-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 325

Recombinant Glutathione S Transferase (GST)

MBS2105658-02mg 0.2mg
EUR 400

Recombinant Glutathione S Transferase (GST)

MBS2105658-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 745

Glutathione S Transferase Yb1, Rat (GST)

MBS635244-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 525

Glutathione S Transferase Yb1, Rat (GST)

MBS635244-5x001mg 5x0.01mg
EUR 2210

Glutathione S Transferase Yb2, Rat (GST)

MBS634400-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 520

Glutathione S Transferase Yb2, Rat (GST)

MBS634400-5x0005mg 5x0.005mg
EUR 2130

Glutathione S Transferase Ya, alpha (GST)

MBS629617-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 640

Glutathione S Transferase Ya, alpha (GST)

MBS629617-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 2730

Glutathione S Transferase, Epitope Tag (GST) (HRP)

MBS630648-004mg 0.04mg
EUR 430

Glutathione S Transferase, Epitope Tag (GST) (HRP)

MBS630648-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 645

Glutathione S Transferase, Epitope Tag (GST) (HRP)

MBS630648-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2760

Glutathione S Transferase, Epitope Tag (GST) (HRP)

MBS628832-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 490

Glutathione S Transferase, Epitope Tag (GST) (HRP)

MBS628832-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2050

Glutathione S Transferase omega 1 (Glutathione S Transferase Like, GSTTLp28, Glutathione Transferase omega)

MBS627025-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 805

Glutathione S Transferase omega 1 (Glutathione S Transferase Like, GSTTLp28, Glutathione Transferase omega)

MBS627025-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 3475

Glutathione S Transferase, Epitope Tag (GST) (Biotin)

MBS630077-004mg 0.04mg
EUR 430

Glutathione S Transferase, Epitope Tag (GST) (Biotin)

MBS630077-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 645

Glutathione S Transferase, Epitope Tag (GST) (Biotin)

MBS630077-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2760

ELISA kit for Human GST?1 (Glutathione S Transferase Alpha 1)

E-EL-H1333 1 plate of 96 wells
EUR 640.8
Description: A sandwich ELISA kit for quantitative measurement of Human GST?1 (Glutathione S Transferase Alpha 1) in samples from Serum, Plasma, Cell supernatant

ELISA kit for Human GST?1 (Glutathione S Transferase Omega 1)

E-EL-H1336 1 plate of 96 wells
EUR 640.8
Description: A sandwich ELISA kit for quantitative measurement of Human GST?1 (Glutathione S Transferase Omega 1) in samples from Serum, Plasma, Cell supernatant

ELISA kit for Human GST?5 (Glutathione S Transferase Alpha 5)

E-EL-H1346 1 plate of 96 wells
EUR 640.8
Description: A sandwich ELISA kit for quantitative measurement of Human GST?5 (Glutathione S Transferase Alpha 5) in samples from Serum, Plasma, Cell supernatant

ELISA kit for Human GST?1 (Glutathione S Transferase Kappa 1)

E-EL-H1402 1 plate of 96 wells
EUR 640.8
Description: A sandwich ELISA kit for quantitative measurement of Human GST?1 (Glutathione S Transferase Kappa 1) in samples from Serum, Plasma, Cell supernatant

ELISA kit for Human GST?4 (Glutathione S Transferase Alpha 4)

E-EL-H1404 1 plate of 96 wells
EUR 640.8
Description: A sandwich ELISA kit for quantitative measurement of Human GST?4 (Glutathione S Transferase Alpha 4) in samples from Serum, Plasma, Cell supernatant

Fish Glutathione S Transferases (GST) ELISA Kit

MBS109727-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 6725

Fish Glutathione S Transferases (GST) ELISA Kit

MBS109727-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 550

Fish Glutathione S Transferases (GST) ELISA Kit

MBS109727-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3420

Fish Glutathione S Transferases (GST) ELISA Kit

MBS109727-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 765

ELISA kit for Human GST?1/GSTt1 (Glutathione S Transferase Theta 1)

E-EL-H1334 1 plate of 96 wells
EUR 640.8
Description: A sandwich ELISA kit for quantitative measurement of Human GST?1/GSTt1 (Glutathione S Transferase Theta 1) in samples from Serum, Plasma, Cell supernatant

ELISA kit for Human GST?2/GSTt2 (Glutathione S Transferase Theta 2)

E-EL-H1335 1 plate of 96 wells
EUR 640.8
Description: A sandwich ELISA kit for quantitative measurement of Human GST?2/GSTt2 (Glutathione S Transferase Theta 2) in samples from Serum, Plasma, Cell supernatant

Glutathione S Transferase (GST) Monoclonal Antibody

CAU30849-100ul 100ul
EUR 267.8

Glutathione S Transferase (GST) Monoclonal Antibody

CAU30849-200ul 200ul
EUR 334.3

Glutathione S Transferase, Schistosoma japonicum (GST)

MBS6004713-025mg 0.25(mg
EUR 505

Glutathione S Transferase, Schistosoma japonicum (GST)

MBS6004713-5x025mg 5x0.25mg
EUR 2130

Glutathione S Transferase, Schistosoma japonicum (GST)

MBS6005755-2mL 2mL
EUR 880

Glutathione S Transferase, Schistosoma japonicum (GST)

MBS6005755-5x2mL 5x2mL
EUR 3820

Glutathione S Transferase, Schistosoma japonicum (GST)

MBS6012464-01mg 0.1(mg
EUR 810

Glutathione S Transferase, Schistosoma japonicum (GST)

MBS6012464-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 3495

Glutathione S Transferase, Schistosoma japonicum (GST)

MBS648531-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 790

Glutathione S Transferase, Schistosoma japonicum (GST)

MBS648531-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 3395

Glutathione S Transferase, Schistosoma japonicum (GST)

MBS647902-10mg 10mg
EUR 320

Glutathione S Transferase, Schistosoma japonicum (GST)

MBS647902-1mg 1mg
EUR 265

Glutathione S Transferase, Schistosoma japonicum (GST)

MBS647902-5x10mg 5x10mg
EUR 1290

Glutathione S Transferase, Schistosoma japonicum (GST)

MBS6011105-01mg 0.1(mg
EUR 745

Glutathione S Transferase, Schistosoma japonicum (GST)

MBS6011105-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 3200

Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 10 × 96 tests
  • 5 × 96 tests
  • 96 tests

Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

EKU04498-48T 48T
EUR 633.5

Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

EKU04498-5x96T 5x96T
EUR 4298.75

Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

EKU04498-96T 96T
EUR 905

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

EKU10874-48T 48T
EUR 573.02

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

EKU10874-5x96T 5x96T
EUR 3888.35

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

EKU10874-96T 96T
EUR 818.6

Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

EKN45609-48T 48T
EUR 431.97

Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

EKN45609-5x96T 5x96T
EUR 2931.23

Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

EKN45609-96T 96T
EUR 617.1

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

EKN51985-48T 48T
EUR 356.58

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

EKN51985-5x96T 5x96T
EUR 2419.65

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

EKN51985-96T 96T
EUR 509.4

Rat GSTp(Glutathione S Transferase Pi) ELISA Kit

ELK0824-48T 48T Ask for price
Description: The test principle applied in this kit is Sandwich enzyme immunoassay. The microtiter plate provided in this kit has been pre-coated with an antibody specific to Rat GSTp. Standards or samples are added to the appropriate microtiter plate wells then with a biotin-conjugated antibody specific to Rat GSTp. Next, Avidin conjugated to Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) is added to each microplate well and incubated. After TMB substrate solution is added, only those wells that contain Rat GSTp, biotin-conjugated antibody and enzyme-conjugated Avidin will exhibit a change in color. The enzyme-substrate reaction is terminated by the addition of sulphuric acid solution and the color change is measured spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 450nm ± 10nm. The concentration of Rat GSTp in the samples is then determined by comparing the OD of the samples to the standard curve.

Rat GSTp(Glutathione S Transferase Pi) ELISA Kit

ELK0824-96T 96T Ask for price
Description: The test principle applied in this kit is Sandwich enzyme immunoassay. The microtiter plate provided in this kit has been pre-coated with an antibody specific to Rat GSTp. Standards or samples are added to the appropriate microtiter plate wells then with a biotin-conjugated antibody specific to Rat GSTp. Next, Avidin conjugated to Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) is added to each microplate well and incubated. After TMB substrate solution is added, only those wells that contain Rat GSTp, biotin-conjugated antibody and enzyme-conjugated Avidin will exhibit a change in color. The enzyme-substrate reaction is terminated by the addition of sulphuric acid solution and the color change is measured spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 450nm ± 10nm. The concentration of Rat GSTp in the samples is then determined by comparing the OD of the samples to the standard curve.

Pig GSTp(Glutathione S Transferase Pi) ELISA Kit

ELK7944-48T 48T Ask for price
Description: The test principle applied in this kit is Sandwich enzyme immunoassay. The microtiter plate provided in this kit has been pre-coated with an antibody specific to Pig GSTp. Standards or samples are added to the appropriate microtiter plate wells then with a biotin-conjugated antibody specific to Pig GSTp. Next, Avidin conjugated to Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) is added to each microplate well and incubated. After TMB substrate solution is added, only those wells that contain Pig GSTp, biotin-conjugated antibody and enzyme-conjugated Avidin will exhibit a change in color. The enzyme-substrate reaction is terminated by the addition of sulphuric acid solution and the color change is measured spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 450nm ± 10nm. The concentration of Pig GSTp in the samples is then determined by comparing the OD of the samples to the standard curve.

Pig GSTp(Glutathione S Transferase Pi) ELISA Kit

ELK7944-96T 96T Ask for price
Description: The test principle applied in this kit is Sandwich enzyme immunoassay. The microtiter plate provided in this kit has been pre-coated with an antibody specific to Pig GSTp. Standards or samples are added to the appropriate microtiter plate wells then with a biotin-conjugated antibody specific to Pig GSTp. Next, Avidin conjugated to Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) is added to each microplate well and incubated. After TMB substrate solution is added, only those wells that contain Pig GSTp, biotin-conjugated antibody and enzyme-conjugated Avidin will exhibit a change in color. The enzyme-substrate reaction is terminated by the addition of sulphuric acid solution and the color change is measured spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 450nm ± 10nm. The concentration of Pig GSTp in the samples is then determined by comparing the OD of the samples to the standard curve.

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi(GSTp) ELISA Kit

NSL0506r 96 Tests
EUR 498

ELISA Kit for Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp)

SEB090Hu 96Т
EUR 665

ELISA Kit for Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp)

SEB090Po 96Т
EUR 798

Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

SEB090Po-10x96wellstestplate 10x96-wells test plate
EUR 6447.49
Description: This is Double-antibody Sandwich Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) in serum, plasma and other biological fluids.

Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

SEB090Po-1x48wellstestplate 1x48-wells test plate
EUR 636.14
Description: This is Double-antibody Sandwich Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) in serum, plasma and other biological fluids.

Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

SEB090Po-1x96wellstestplate 1x96-wells test plate
EUR 857.35
Description: This is Double-antibody Sandwich Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) in serum, plasma and other biological fluids.

Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

SEB090Po-5x96wellstestplate 5x96-wells test plate
EUR 3498.08
Description: This is Double-antibody Sandwich Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) in serum, plasma and other biological fluids.

Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 10 plates of 96 wells
  • 5 plates of 96 wells
  • 1 plate of 96 wells
Description: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on the Double-antibody Sandwich method for detection of Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) in samples from Serum, plasma and other biological fluids. with no significant corss-reactivity with analogues from other species.

ELISA Kit for Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp)

SEB090Ra 96Т
EUR 722

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

abx585445-100g 100 µg
EUR 3275

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

abx585445-1mg 1 mg
EUR 6187.5

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

abx585445-50g 50 µg
EUR 687.5

Rat GSTp (Glutathione S Transferase Pi) ELISA Kit

MBS8820198-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3130

Rat GSTp (Glutathione S Transferase Pi) ELISA Kit

MBS8820198-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 350

Rat GSTp (Glutathione S Transferase Pi) ELISA Kit

MBS8820198-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 1710

Rat GSTp (Glutathione S Transferase Pi) ELISA Kit

MBS8820198-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 445

Pig GSTp (Glutathione S Transferase Pi) ELISA Kit

MBS8806914-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3130

Pig GSTp (Glutathione S Transferase Pi) ELISA Kit

MBS8806914-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 415

Pig GSTp (Glutathione S Transferase Pi) ELISA Kit

MBS8806914-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 1710

Pig GSTp (Glutathione S Transferase Pi) ELISA Kit

MBS8806914-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 545

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

MBS2707518-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3225

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

MBS2707518-24StripWells 24-Strip-Wells
EUR 255

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

MBS2707518-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 340

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

MBS2707518-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 1680

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

MBS2707518-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 430

Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

MBS2702907-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3555

Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

MBS2702907-24StripWells 24-Strip-Wells
EUR 265

Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

MBS2702907-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 355

Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

MBS2702907-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 1845

Pig Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

MBS2702907-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 460

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

MBS266258-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3290

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

MBS266258-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 295

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

MBS266258-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 1800

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

MBS266258-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 450

Rat Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp) ELISA Kit

EIA05761r each
EUR 480

Rat Glutathione S transferase P(GSTP1) ELISA kit

E02G0442-192T 192 tests
EUR 1524
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Rat Glutathione S transferase P(GSTP1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

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